Senior Adult Ministry

The purpose of the Senior Adult Ministry at Magnolia Church is to encourage adults “55 and better” to begin, or to continue, their journey to become authentic followers of Christ. Our goal is to provide opportunities for personal growth through Bible studies, outreach opportunities, ministry projects, and fellowship experiences. As Paul encourages believers in Philippians 3:14 “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus,” regardless of age!

Churchwide Prayer Time

Wednesday’s 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM, Meeting in B107

Please join us any Wednesday evening for an hour of prayer. We focus on praying for the needs in the church’s prayer bulletin.

If you have any questions, please contact Darlene.

Pre-service Prayer

Please join us in the Nation’s Room (A212) as we pray for the day’s services every Sunday. This will be a weekly gathering open to those in the church.


Caleb Community Choir 

Wednesdays 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM, The Choir Room
Caleb Choir rehearses in the Choir Room, and all are invited to attend!

If you have any questions, please contact Eunice.

Legacy Grandparenting Summit 2025

Helping Grandparents Have a Greater Spiritual Impact on Their Families

Join us on Saturday, March 15 for a national grandparenting conference! This will be a simulcast presentation with special guest speakers from Legacy Coalition such as Larry Fowler, Dr. Jeff Myers, Anne Graham Lotz, Rachel-Ruth Wright and so many more. We will be in the Mag Room from 9:00am – 4:30pm with an intermission for lunch.

We are offering an optional lunch plate for purchase. The lunch plate is $15 and includes a taco plate with rice, beans, chips, salsa, and a drink. Please buy your meal tickets prior to the event.
Click HERE to purchase a meal ticket.

Registration Pricing Schedule – Click HERE to register!

Early Bird: January 12 – February 15, $34

Regular: February 16 – March 14, $39

At the Door: March 15, $44



Lori Rosa, Senior Adult Ministry Director

Darlene Mendiola, Ministry Assistant – Adults
