
The Acts 1:8 Strategy

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 (HCSB)

As Magnolia Church carries out the biblical mandate to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our congregation is actively involved in going and praying and giving. Teams of students and adults regularly minister in our neighborhoods and around the world.

Our church has specifically targeted these areas: 

Jerusalem = Riverside and the Inland Empire 

Judea = California and the West Coast

Samaria = Mexico and the rest of North America

Ends of the Earth = South Asia and the World

Upcoming Outreach Opportunities

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How to Get Involved

Everyone at Magnolia Church can be involved in sharing the Good News in a variety of ways.

Keep an eye on the Events section of this page for mission trip opportunities. Email Indra to find out more about potential trips in the future.

Young Adults - we partner with an incredible program called GenSend which sends students on both summer-long experiences as well as shorter experiences during school breaks.

Each Magnolia Church mission team member raises support to help with their specific project.

We take three mission offerings each year with a specific focus - Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions, California Missions Offering (September), and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. You can give to these offerings at our giving page.

"The urgent request of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect." James 5:16b

Never underestimate the power of prayer. Pray that God will show you how to be involved in reaching the world. Pray for our missionaries serving both in North America and around the world. Pray for God to prepare team members' hearts in joining what He has been doing in the regions where they serve. Pray for God to prepare the hearts of those they will meet and connect with. Pray for God to lead their preparation processes.

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