The Acts 1:8 Strategy

Acts 1:8 (HCSB) “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

As Magnolia Church carries out the Biblical mandate to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, our congregation is actively involved in giving and praying and going. Teams of students and adults regularly minister in our neighborhoods and around the world. Our church has specifically targeted these areas:

  • Jerusalem = Riverside and the Inland Empire
  • Judea = California and the West Coast
  • Samaria = Mexico and the rest of North America
  • Ends of the Earth = South Asia and the World

Blood Drive for Missions

Other Donation Opportunity:

Sunday, June 9, 2024 8:00 AM – 1:00PM | Magnolia Room

Click HERE to select your donation time!

Lifestream Location – 4006 Van Buren Blvd

Schedule your appointment at HERE!
LifeStream will donate $20 towards missions, for 30+ qualified donors.

To donate at a LifeStream facility (4006 Van Buren Blvd), please give the front desk the church code, RMAG when you check-in, to receive credit for your donation.

If you are unable to donate blood, you can give financially to this group. COVID-19 has hit this area hard. Consider giving at

Results will be available on approximately 2 weeks after donation.

2023 California Mission Offering – Better Together

The California Mission Offering (CMO) is the primary funding source for kingdom work across our state. When our church supports CMO, we, along with hundreds of other churches across California, are able to do far more than what one church can do alone. Your contribution to CMO gives food and clothing to migrant workers who take the Gospel back to their homeland. You help hold up pastors in need of support and resources to maintain healthy families and healthy congregations. You help churches host evangelistic events some could only dream of, if not for the grants provided by CMO; and so much more.

Magnolia Church Goal – $15,000
Click HERE to donate.



  • If you are interested in learning more about our potential teams and possible dates to serve, please email Indra. A brief training will be provided soon in order to send individuals and teams to serve.


  • If you choose to support our teams financially, please make checks payable to Magnolia Church.
  • To make a credit card or debit card donation, please click HEREafter logging in, select option from the dropdown
  • Text “$AMOUNT” to 951-223-9042
  • On Sundays, use the envelope in the seat pocket and drop it in the offering plate
  • Bring to the church office, Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM


  • Never underestimate the power of prayer.
  • The urgent request of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.  James 5:16b
  • Pray that God will show you how to be involved in reaching the world.
  • Pray for God to prepare the participants’ hearts in joining what He has been doing in LEÓN/SA and other locations.
  • Pray for God to prepare the hearts of those they will meet and connect with in LEÓN/SA and other locations.
  • Pray for God to lead their preparation processes.

        * Possess confidence that their relationship with God and within the fellowship of the church are worthy of their commitment to them.