Pastoral Transition

On Sunday, September 22nd, 2024, Pastor Montia announced to the congregation his intent to retire. He will remain fully engaged in the Lead Pastor role throughout the search process to ensure a smooth handoff to the next Lead Pastor. As a result, no retirement date has been set but we are beginning to move through the process of searching for our next Lead Pastor.

God is at work doing exciting things at Magnolia Church. Over 50 people have been baptized on average each year the past several years. Last year, we saw nearly 2,200 gospel conversations and we are seeking to have 2,500 gospel conversations by the end of this year. New people come to Magnolia Church every single Sunday and we have seen our attendance steadily growing over the past several weeks and months. When God is at work, it’s our aim to join Him in what He is doing. In this season, we have found God is moving us into a time of transition.

Our Process

Nomination and Election of Search Team

The officers of our Trustees, Deacons, and Personnel Committee nominated a Lead Pastor Search Team. The team consists of seven members and one alternate. This team was presented to the church and elected by the church membership in a special called business meeting, which was held on Sunday, October 27th at 5:00 PM in the Magnolia Room.

Lead Pastor Search Team

The Lead Pastor Search Team, consisting of Gaye Hawkins, Ted Hosmer, Terry Lowe, Stacy McIntyre, Jennifer Palmer, David Schiessel, Janette Taylor, and Mike Wyant, began their work in the Fall of 2024. Their work involves developing a candidate profile, interviewing and vetting potential candidates, and seeking God’s man to present to the congregation. The Lead Pastor Search Team’s work will take time, potentially a year or more.

Calling of New Lead Pastor

The Lead Pastor Search Team will bring a recommendation to the church to be voted on at a special called business meeting.

Transition to New Lead Pastor

At this time, the plan is to create a brief overlap time period where Pastor Montia will still serve as Lead Pastor, but the incoming Lead Pastor will also be on staff. The new Lead Pastor will be installed at a date to be determined, and Pastor Montia will officially retire at that time from the role of Lead Pastor.